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Today we will be listing a collection of pieces that we've created during what we are calling, "the reaping of souls."  During the reaping of souls we were using an atrifact that Deedee found while she was on an investigation in Nigeria.  She was actually there for an investigation into the whereabouts of the Ark of the Covenant, but she ended up coming back with a bit more than she bargained for.  Of course, none of it had anything to do with the Ark of the Covenant, but it goes that way sometimes.  Instead, whe she ended up coming back with an item that is simply called, "the Door."  

The Door is a piece that allowed us to open up a portal into the spirt realm.  It was a temporary door and there were no stipulations surrounding what we could or could not do once the door is open or how we opened it.  We can use the piece like any door is used.  If you want to go into a room, then you turn the knob and open the door.  If we want access to the spirit realm, then we use this piece and open the door.  The piece itself was created with necromanitc energies that have been sourced from an energetic epicenter that exists in the Congo.  We call it a hotspot, but its a re-entry point for universal powers that are consistently fed to the Earth from the Cosmos for the purposes of manifesting knowledge.

The Reaping happend when we used The Door to drop the veil to the spirit world to make contact with various spirits and souls.  Some of the souls we went searching for on purpose, while others we happened to find among the billions of souls we searched through.  The Reaping did not occur as a once and done use of the door, but over the course of months of having used the piece.  When we found the souls and spirits that we wanted we used portions of the souls and spirits to create the pieces that we are offering.  Each of the pieces hosts this portion of the soul that we reaped while using The Door.  As a result, each piece has been empowered with one or multiple abilities.  Below you will find what soul this piece contains and the powers and abilities it offers you.  

I can't remember a time when we have had a piece that specificly embodies the presence of the following person.  His presence is incredibly divine as he has been touched by the Hand of God, even ascended in a white light chariot to Heaven in lieu of a traditional death.  I'm talking about Elijah the Prophet.  

During life he rubbed elbows with many kings, but more importantly he was in contant communication with God, as he lived in God's presence.  God and his divine power was revealed to the people through the prophet.  God's word was reveale through the prophet.  The future of the nations was revealed through the prophet.  I mean, Elijah was just and all around powerful and knowledgable guy.  

When usuing the portion in this piece you will become like Elijah.  You will live in God's presence.  Through this connection divine magic and prophecy will be revealed to you.  You will grow in white light power and be given the ability to travel to Heaven in astral form at your will.  This piece is very powerful in terms of white light and the manifestation of God.

Please note this investigation was years ago. That’s how backed up we are on getting stuff on.

The Reaping:Elijah The Prophet

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