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Do you seek out the power of a vampire? Do you wish not to have some blood sucker around but want to be all you can be in a vampire army?

What do you get?

Telepathic ability




and flawless skin

No need to run to the meat market or blood bank,I have it all for you right here.

If the power excites you but the bite does not then this is for you.

Getting serious now. This is a vampire power piece with the ability to call any vampire you wish when you need him or her. Whoever you call will come telepathically and some will meet you in person. This has happened to my knowledge about 8 times in the physical. There are NO safeguards on this piece. I’m going to explain exactly what that means. If you call upon a vampire you’re dealing with whatever personality they have. If that vampire is loving or just a great person, wonderful! If they are violent, you’re dealing with that. A good example is Bathory, would you want to be in her presence? This item is safe for everyone but it’s up to you who you call.

Also keep in mind most interaction is by telepathic means. The physical is not all the time and I would have to say rare if asked.

This is a sterling silver ring in about a size 7 or 8.

The Power Of The Pyre

SKU: 792223
  • Place in hand, on finger or chain. BEFORE using decide who you want to communicate with. If you don’t do that and have a few they can all come through at one time.

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