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What your looking at has an inner light that will never fade. They will not break and they will change your life forever. What the heavens offer you are this. The first heaven is where many want to go. It is more for learning reasons. The third heaven is where you would gain ALL abilities that an angelic being can gain. This is located in the south section. The fourth heaven is only for wealth. The fifth heaven is only if you hold Grigori DNA. If you do you will have ministry angels protect you yet allow you to gain those massive powers. If your one of these your coming back doing what ever you wish,when you wish. The 6th heaven is the angels university and where you go to gain all knowledge on everything. All questions,all knowing. The 7th heaven is where you will see your past lives and any future lives. These are very inexpensive,done in Egypt and powerful. The light inside them will become magnified by you. I do not have many of these,very few so if interested act now. THE SEVEN HEAVENS One fact about the universe revealed in the verses of the Qur'an is that the sky is made up of seven layers. "It is He Who created everything on the earth for you and then directed His attention up to heaven and arranged it into seven regular heavens. He has knowledge of all things." (The Qur'an, 2:29) "Then He turned to heaven when it was smoke. In two days He determined them as seven heavens and revealed, in every heaven, its own mandate." (The Qur'an, 41:12) The First Heaven - Shamayim or Shamain The 1st heaven, Shamayim borders the Earth and is ruled by Archangel Gabriel. This is the lowest of the heavens. It borders our world and is thought to be the dwelling place of Adam and Eve. This heaven being the first and closest to Earth acts as a shading agent for the Earth. This heaven has clouds, wind, and upper waters. It is the home to two hundred astronomer angels who keep watch over the stars. To complete the visual picture of this heaven one would see legions of guardian angels of snow, ice and dew living in this vicinity. In the Apocalypse of St. Paul, this region is called the "promised land." It is described as, "Now every tree bore twelve harvests each year, and they had various and diverse fruits, and I saw the fashion of that place and all the work of God, and I saw there palm-trees of twenty cubits and others of ten cubits, and the land was seven times brighter than silver".  The Second Heaven - Raquia or Raqia the 2nd heaven Raquia is ruled by the Archangels Raphael and Zachariel, and, according to Enoch, it is within this heaven that the fallen angels are imprisoned waiting final judgment in complete darkness. This was at one time supposed to be the dwelling place of John the Baptist. The Third Heaven Sagun or Shehaquim The 3rd heaven is unique for many reasons. According to Enoch, hell lies within the northern boundaries of the third heaven. Sagun (or Shehaqim) is ruled over by Archangel Anahel and three subordinate saraim: Jagniel, Rabacyel, and Dalquiel, and is the residence for Archangel Azrael, the Islamic Angel of death. The northern region of this heaven has a river of flame that flows through the land of cold and ice, here the wicked are punished by the angels. The southern lands are a bountiful paradise, thought to be the Garden of Eden, where the souls of the righteous will come after death. Two rivers, the river of milk and honey and the river of wine and oil flow here. This heaven if where the "Tree of Life can be found. The beautiful celestial garden is where all perfect souls go after death and is guarded by 300 angels of light. It was also recorded that the entrance to this heaven is a gate of gold. The Fourth Heaven - Machanon or Machen The 4th heaven Machanon it is ruled by Archangel Michael, "Is the site of the heavenly Jerusalem, the holy Temple and its Altar" (Godwin, p. 122). It is here that, according to Enoch, that the Garden of Eden is actually housed, not in the third heaven. It is said to house the city of Christ and is the native seat of the angels. St. Paul's Apocalypse describes it as â??It was all gold, and 12 walls encircled it and there were 12 walls inside. There were 12 gates of great beauty in the circuit of the city and 4 rivers encircled it. There was a river of honey and a river of milk and a river of wine and a river of oil. " The Fifth Heaven - Mathey or Machon The 5th heaven Mathey is the seat/home of God, Aaron, and the Avenging Angels. The beautiful southern region is where God can be found while the northern boundaries are said to be ruled by Metatron's twin brother Archangel Sandalphon or Samael (Camael, Chamuel). This region was like a great void of fire and smoke, which had no firm ground above or below. A terrible desolate place where it is said the fallen Grigori (watchers) angels who sinned and cohabited with woman were imprisoned; in the southern regions, on the other hand, reside the ministering angels who endlessly change the praises of the Lord. The Sixth Heaven - Zebul The 6th heaven Zebul is ruled by Archangel Zachiel (Sachiel) and his subordinate princes Zebul (during the day) and Sabath (during the night) this stormy, snow-ridden dwelling is home to the seven phoenixes and the seven Cherubim who sing the praises of God. A multitude of other angelic beings also reside here. It is like the Angels University of knowledge who study an array of subjects including astronomy, ecology, the seasons, and mankind. The Seventh Heaven - Araboth The 7th heaven is the holiest of the holy heavens. Araboth is ruled by Archangel Cassiel and is home to God and his Divine Throne it is also the abode of human souls waiting to be born. It is also home to the highest orders of angels - the Seraphim, Cherubim, and Thrones. It is in the 7th Heaven that Isaiah has a glimpse of God and the Christ and "hears the Most high dictating the program on his (Christâ??s) earthly manifestation and return." More References  In Enoch 2,8, the Garden of Eden and the Tree of Life are both found in the 3rd Heaven. The Zohar mentions 390 Heavens and 70,000 worlds.  The gnostic Basilides vouched for 365 Heavens. Jellenek (in Beth Ha-Midrasch) recalls a legend which tells of 955 Heavens. In Enoch 2 the Heavens number 10. Here the 8th Heaven is called Muzaloth. The 9th Heaven, home of the 12 signs of the zodiac, is called Kukhavim. The 10th, where Enoch saw the "vision of the face of the Lord", is called Aravoth (Hebrew term for the 12 signs of the Zodiac). The confusion of the Heavens is clear here from the fact that the signs of the zodiac do not lodge in the Heavens named after them. The notion of the 7 Heavens appears in The Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs and other Jewish apocrypha, and was familiar to the ancient Persians and Babylonians. The Persians pictured the Almighty in the highest of the 7 Heavens, "seated on a great white throne, surrounded by winged cherubim." The Koran also speaks of 7 Heavens.

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