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The Grand Djinn Of Mecca.

This is a true Djinn born in Mecca, the most powerful of Djinn are born there. This is also where people can come face to face with them physically. This one comes from prophet Sulaiman. The name of the Djinn is also Sulaiman. It doesn’t matter if you have his name as he is with me until I release him. He was born in Mecca because of the presence of Kaaba. That presence has made him beyond powerful, extreme supernatural, etc. Sulaiman took full physical appearance and walked counterclockwise around the Hajj this endeared him to the highest of high. The reason? He didn’t have to do that. Although he was born there he went to the mountains and then completed a pilgrimage in full physical form without using his supernatural abilities. Both he and his brother did this. The brother is already sold. For them to do a physical pilgrimage in a human body without using supernatural abilities, showed their devotion to humans. The power they both exhibit is crazy. You can place a meter to them and speak to them various ways, it’s pretty incredible! This is heavy sterling silver and gold with gemstones. This is one of a kind. What can a born in Mecca Djinn do? Well you just decide, you say what you want and need. You must introduce yourself and welcome this djinn. This djinn will be part of your family no matter how many live with you. They will only respond to you unless given permission to interact. You could just want the family protected and comfortable or to excel in whatever they want to do. You can do that or tell them no interaction. You decide all and everything. Yes he does extreme wealth because among deep religious education and powerful magic, they LOVE LUXURY!! So if you don’t have it, they create it for you. This Djinn will understand you completely! There are no classes to take or crazy rituals to do. Just own him! Welcome to your new best friend!

The Grand Djinn Of Mecca

SKU: 2172402
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