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Pearl of Wisdom.

This is a pendant that we found and holds a woman of about 70 something. This was given to her by her daughter and it’s quite a sad story. The lady, Elaine died and this was to be buried with her because it was given to her by her daughter Elaina. I knew her well and she was from the Cherry Hill area. We worked together a very long time ago and she always made me laugh and she was very smart too. I would talk to her for about an hour every morning and we really got into some amazing conversations. When another lady I knew called me to tell me she died I then told Lindy and we went to the funeral. I had never met her daughter until then. When I went up to the coffin and paid my respects Lindy was behind me. I swore I heard Elaine speak but I really didn’t. It was just very strange. As I went to move away Lindy saw this pendant on the ground right next to the coffin. I took it over to Elaina and told her it was found there. Then I really did hear Elaine. She was in my head and ears because that’s how the dead speak. As I stood still I looked past Elaina and saw Elaine. She told me to give it to her and tell her that she bought it for her 4 years ago, so I did. Elaine was in solid form but only I could see her with the exception of the one other guy. I believe he saw her due to the look on his face and where he was looking. Elaina just didn’t want to take it. Then Elaine told me to tell her she wanted to communicate to her through it. I told her. Elaina asked Lindy and I to leave and that her mother was up with God and didn’t believe in the spirit world. I didn’t want to be disrespectful so I said okay and just went to hand it to her. She told me to keep it and get out. I went to just lay it in the coffin in case she changed her mind but then she yelled. I didn’t want to create a scene so we left. Elaine was in life a lady that helped anyone who asked and she put up with a lot of crap at work. She loved to talk. As I got into the car I heard her again and she told when I got home she would continue to see me. When I got home I told her she could tell me anything but that there is a short window for her to move on and that she must do it. She wasn’t having any of that and she told me I was wrong. Maybe I am but I don’t think so. Elaine will often communicate with others using this as a pendulum either on fishing line or a light chain, either one works. If you are able to see the dead then you will see her in full physical form. You may ask why I’m not keeping her? I can’t. I have more than I can handle and it would be great if she went with an older man or woman. She loves well behaved kids too. She’s great company and does pass through the other side so she knows quite a bit. The pendulum is easy to use and she will even bring others to you, white light only! I want to clarify about well behaved kids. When we would talk in the mornings she always had her cup of coffee and one day this hideous boss came in with her kids. I do mean hideous but in her soul and those of her kids! Her kids were not children but overgrown moronic beasts with no manners whatsoever! They were in their mid twenties and early 30’s. The one female beast with her nose in the air walked into Elaine and Elaine’s coffee spilled on her. She turned and said “ isn’t your break over”. As some of you know I have a bad temper but no one would ever really know it. It’s just sometimes there are things every once in a while that will set me off, that was one of those times. I turned my head so fast I thought it would pop off. I told her to “ take your ass over there and grab her some paper towels and then go back to sucking on your mama’s tit”. You never know what will come out of my mouth. I do believe when you are so mad there are times you can have your ancestors come through you. That wasn’t one of those times but I will tell you when I had one but first this. Elaine is a lovely and kind lady and she was scared of being fired. She was old then so it would be hard for her to get a job, at least that’s why I thought she was worried. I told her not to worry about it. She then said it’s how those kids were raised. So to her, if they are younger than her, they are kids. She loves little children so I wanted to clarify that. I remember during holidays she donated a lot of toys she would buy for various different churches to give to kids. It’s that reason I decided to put her on. I have had her a few years and we do talk but I think an older person or one with kids in the house would be best. When you’re using this to speak to her have a conversation just like I’m having with you but when asking questions make sure they can be yes or no answers. I believe when you are around the spirit world you are given something that helps at some point for you to see and hear them. I will tell you about ancestors coming out on my next listing.

Pearl of Wisdom

SKU: 1232330
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