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Home of the legendary Pharaohs and powerful gods. Egypt is the home of magical beings, supreme entities, and some of the most amazing pyramids in the world. Egyptian magic originates from the Eye of Horus, the son of the sun god. The Eye of Horus takes its legend from the battle between Set and Horus when Set tore out the Eye of Horus. The Eye was later restored and Horus offered it as an offering to Osiris, the Mighty. Upon its offering, the Eye of Horus was imbued with power beyond the ordinary and became the symbol of peace, protection, healing, and glory. The ancient mystics of the Egyptian religion treasured the magic from the Eye of Horus and eventually, with the permission of the High Priest, distilled the pure energy source into this ancient ornament that you see.

The ornament holds the magic of the Egyptian pyramids designed in a triangular shape with the Eye of Horus sitting above it. Also called the all-seeing Eye, the Eye of Horus confers the magic of foresight, insight, and discernment on its faithful adherents. Modern-day adherents of Egyptian magic find that the power of the ornament has not dimmed but adapted to modern life. Today, you can step into a new level in your career, family, finances, and health by wearing the ornament with the magic of the Eye of Horus. The ancient Egyptian pyramids also hold primordial energy found after centuries of meditation. The pyramids channel the spiritual and magical energy from the sun and moon to revitalize the souls of the Pharaohs.

Today, the pyramids continue to imbue faithful adherents with imperceptible but fully impactful magic. Change your life and take your destiny into your hands with the blessed magical ornaments. Step into a higher realm of creative powers by channeling the spirit and energy of ancient Pharaohs. Call forth your daily blessings, protection, wealth, honor, and health with this ancient ornament. Osiris, Horus, and the other gods confer their blessings on the ornament. No good is too much for you; receive all good things with this ornament around your neck.

Channeling Eye of Egyptian Magic

SKU: 3232248
  • First wear this against the skin. This will turn you into a portal body of power.

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